Compliance Manual Webinar Series (2019)

In the past few years, HRSA has transitioned its compliance efforts from requiring FQHCs to utilize multiple guidance documents to ensure adherence to health center program requirements to issuing the Health Center Program Compliance Manual (the Manual), a consolidated resource to assist FQHCs in understanding, demonstrating, and operationalizing compliance.

The Manual, which supersedes most (but not all) prior guidance, incorporates a new approach to everyday compliance by addressing:

  • Each requirement’s statutory and regulatory basis
  • Key elements of compliance that form the framework of every health center’s project
  • Documentation necessary for verification of compliance
  • Areas where health centers maintain discretion

To assist in evaluating compliance, HRSA has also issued a Site Visit Protocol (the SVP), which aligns with the Manual and reflects a more objective assessment tool. Both the Manual and the Protocol are currently being used by HRSA for on-site reviews of grantees and FQHC look-alike entities (Operational Site Visits - OSVs) as well as for desk audits of project and designation renewal applications.

Given the possible consequences of non-compliance, including 1-year project periods for non-compliance with a single element and potential loss of 330-grant funds, it is critical that every health center be and remain vigilant whether you are expecting an OSV, submitting your SAC / RD application, or looking to bolster current operations as part of ongoing compliance efforts. 


Part I Introduction to the World of HRSA Compliance and the Framework for the Program - Scope of Project
Part IIEstablishing the Service Delivery Model and Continuity of Care
Part III Ensuring Effective Governance and Management
Part IVMinimizing Financial Barriers to Care While Maximizing Revenue: The Sliding Fee Discount Program and Billing & Collection
Part V The Building Blocks of Fiscal Viability: Contracts, Sub-Awards, & Financial Management Systems
Part VIProviding Quality Care Through an Appropriate Clinical Staffing Model: Credentialing & Privileging and QI / QA

Learning Objectives

After this webinar series, you will be able to:

  • Understand the elements of the HRSA programmatic requirements addressed in the Manual and the SVP.
  • Identify the specific steps necessary to demonstrate compliance and areas where health centers retain discretion.
  • Discuss the newest developments in the OSV and application review processes from an insider’s perspective.
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


A partner at the firm, Marcie specializes in health care law, particularly in the areas of federal grants, grant-related requirements and grants management related to the federal health center program. Health centers turn to Marcie as a resource for knowing not only the letter of the law, but also the likely interpretation of requirements by federal policymakers, including the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). [Full Bio]


A partner in the firm’s health law practice group, Molly advises health centers on the management of clinical, employment and workforce-related risks, with a particular focus on professional liability, Federal Tort Claims Act, and HIPAA matters. From her experience as both a private attorney and in-house counsel, Molly knows the importance of managing liability and risk issues in mission-driven organizations. [Full Bio]


Serving as Managing Partner of the firm since 2003, and a member of the Health Law and Federal Grants practices since 1992, Ted is a national authority in the area of federal grants, particularly in the health and community service spheres. He advises clients on all aspects of program requirements, including issues such as cost-based reimbursement, governance, grant administration, cost reporting, and administrative issues and routinely handles challenging issues such as government audits, internal investigations, and litigation. Ted's priority is to help each organization carry out its mission by offering practical, down-to-earth counsel and to ensure that legal challenges do not distract from that focus. [Full Bio]

Certificates of Attendance: We verify attendance upon completion of a webinar (live or recorded version) and will only issue certificates in the name of the account holder enrolled in the course. If you need to document attendance for someone other than the account holder, we provide blank Certificates of Attendance for a supervisor to sign and certify that a different individual viewed the course. 

Group attendance: Due to the online nature of webinars, we cannot verify participation by more than one person. For groups, we provide an attendance record form and blank Certificates of Attendance to record attendance at a group viewing session and document each individual's participation. We recommend that a supervisor or colleague sign the certificate to certify attendance. 

Read more about maintaining an attendance record in our FAQs.

Please login or register to take this course.

This is a private course sponsored by the Washington Association for Community Health, the federally designated Primary Care Association of Washington, as a benefit for its membership. If you are a member, please contact the Association directly for the access code. If you are not a member, but are interested in this topic, you can purchase the original webinar series here.

Once you have registered, you can re-access the webinar at any time for 90 days by clicking “My Account” in the upper right hand corner of the page or by clicking the “My Training” tab (found at the top of any page on and clicking on webinar title.

An unlimited number of participants can experience the recorded webinar by broadcasting it on a projection screen and watching it together. A single login can gain access to the webinar and be issued a certificate. The record of attendance form can be accessed under the certificate link within the activity. For more information on live and recorded webinars, please refer to our FAQ section.